Most Popular Dog Names

Hi, we just added a new blog article to our website. It has a fun feature where you can look up your dog’s name to see how popular or unique your dog’s name is.

You can find it here: Most Popular Dog Names

“Charlie” is the most popular dog name in Toronto. The data was adjusted to combine various spellings of the same name, such as “Charley” and “Charlee”. It reached peak popularity in 2017 and has been on the decline.

In contrast, “Luna” has become quite popular. “Penny” and “Poppy” are also on the rise.

Naming dogs after foods seems to be quite common. The most popular are “Pepper”, “Ginger”, and “Mocha”. On the unique end, there are handful named “Bacon” or “Trout” and a couple named “Ketchup”.

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